On stage at the SMARTCITY × TOKYO -2024 AUTUMN MEETING event hosted by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Presenting use cases from the AI Concierge trial project!

We took the stage at the SMARTCITY × TOKYO -2024 AUTUMN MEETING (October 28) event hosted by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and presented use cases from the trials of the Multilingual AI Concierge Project.

This project was adopted as a 2024 Tokyo Data Platform case study project. It uses a combination of generative AI, translation AI and regional information on Akihabara, aiming to provide guidance related to tourism and disaster management. The trial version of the service has been provided to TDPF members for a month, starting October 1 and the members have subsequently evaluated their experience.

In our case study presentation, we have introduced the varied Akihabara-related data that we entered into the system, the results of user experience evaluation, future issues to solve and future plans. We have also presented the AI Concierge trial version at the networking session that followed the talk. We will continue to provide trial version services with enhanced contents, and pursue ways to promote the charms of the Akihabara region.

▼ Related information: article by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government

Archived talk video (from 1:26:50)