ーCompany Outlineー

Name IP DREAM Inc.
Incorporated May 26, 2004
Capital 816,550,008 JPY
Head Office 3-9-14, Nishi shinagawa,Shinagawa-ku,Tokyo,141-0033 Japan
Address 8-minute walk from Osaki Station
MAP Download MAP(PDF)
Board member President and CEO: Jiro SHIMOYAMA
Chairman, Board of Director: Masayuki SHIMURA
Senior Executive Vice President & COO,Board of Director: Hironobu TACHIBANA
Executive Vice President, Board of Director: Yoshiko NAKABAYASHI
Executive Vice President & CFO, Board of Director: Masanori SATOU
Vice President, Board of Director: Hiroshi ARAI
– Outside Directors
Shigeru TAKEDA (Audit and Supervisory Committee Member, Certified Public Accountant & Certified Tax Accountant)
Hiromasa FURUHATA (Audit and Supervisory Committee)
Yuzou YOSHIKI (Audit and Supervisory Committee)
Motohiro KUROSAWA (Attorney, Certified Tax Accountant)
Tsuyoshi TAKADA (Attorney)
Advisors Sachio NAGAMOTO
Employees 32(Dec 31, 2024)
Major Clients

Iveda Solutions, Inc.
Japan Association for the Advancement of Medical Equipment
WizWe Inc.
Acer Incorporated
MTG Inc.
On Gaku No Tomo Sha Corp
Kagoshima University
Canon Marketing Japan Inc. & Canon Marketing Japan Group
Optage Inc.
Shimane University
Suteki Inc.
Scalar Corporation
Seiko System Engineering Inc.
SECOM Trust Systems CO., LTD.
SoftBank Corp.
Tata Communications
Chuo University
Trillion Co., Ltd.
JPBM (Japan General Incorporated Association of Professionals for Medium and Small Sized Business Management Ltd)
Power-All Networks Limited (a subsidiary of Foxconn Technology Group)
University of the Ryukyus
Reiden Inc.

ーCorporate Vision and Standards of Conductー

Corporate Vision

1. Doing cutting-edge research with simple honesty.
2. Always pursuing challenges and being unafraid of failure.
3. Creating services that can be used by anyone and enriching people’s lives with them.

Standards of Conduct

The employees of IP DREAM Inc. remain conscious of our corporate vision and abide by the laws and morals of the society and the country. They execute their duties with sincerity and contribute to the development of this company.


Company History


May The company was established in Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, with the provision of services to facilitate communication within companies as its business purpose (capita stockl: 10 million yen).
May Robot Secretary (customizable groupware for companies) service launched (still in use).
October Head office relocated from Roppongi to Uchikanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
October Developed applications etc. for NTT videophone service (services for companies using NTT’s “Flet’s Phone”), and launched videoconferencing service for convenience stores.


May Head office relocated from Uchikanda to Uchisaiwaicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
August Head office relocated from Uchisaiwaicho to Nishi-Shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo.


July Head office relocated from Nishi-Shinbashi to Yutenji, Meguro-ku, Tokyo.


September Received the award for excellence in the Japan Telework Association’s 9th Telework Promotion Awards.


June Signed an agreement with Wakayama Prefecture and Tanabe City to establish a branch office in Tanabe City, Wakayama Prefecture.
July Head office relocated from Yutenji to Hatanodai, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo.
December Start of the Ubiquitous Special Zone Project “Ubiquitous, the proof-of-concept for the international standardization of tourism information”.


November Entered into an agreement with HyperOffice, a US company, for the exclusive distribution, resale and development rights of HyperOffice (a collaboration tool used by more than 300,000 people around the world) in Japan and Asia, and launched the service.


October Social learning service “OpenSkySchool” (current service name “Drill”, Ver. 1.0) launched.


January Registered as application developer for the “Hikari i-frame” Android tablet series provided by NTT East.
January As a White Level Partner, entered into a premium reseller agreement with Vidyo Inc., a US company, for the selling of the leading teleconferencing solution “Vidyo”, and began sales.
February Concluded a distributorship agreement with NTT Advanced Technology Corporation for the conference microphone speaker “R-Talk” series and started sales.
March Started providing energy management services (bathing facilities and sensor management: still in use)
November Agreement with HyperOffice as the Asian development partner for the joint development of their new service “Share.to”.


January Signed a software license agreement with Vidyo Inc., and began providing services as a hosting service provider as well.
January Formed a business alliance with I-NET Corporation for cloud service business. Joint development of Dream Office (HyperOffice) and MobileMeets (Vidyo).
August Selected as 2013’s Small and Medium Enterprise Sales Force Enhancement Support Model Business of the Regional Vitality Application Market Acquisition Support Project.
November Dream Office (HyperOffice) and MobileMeets (Vidyo) registered in MINONARUKI, Hitachi Systems, Ltd.’s open cloud marketplace.


September Head office relocated from Hatanodai to Hiratsuka, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo.
December Acquired WICKS Corporation (established November 2011), a bidirectional M2M radio wave utilization company that uses white space frequencies.


January Service partnership agreement with HyperOffice regarding cutting-edge services Atlas and Share.to (development monopoly for IP Dream).
April HyperOffice becomes a wholly owned subsidiary.
May Tekuchuru KK becomes a wholly owned subsidiary (merger in Aug. 2015)


June Head office relocated from Hiratsuka to Nishi-Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo.


February Joint exhibition at the Mobile World Congress 2018 (Barcelona) with partner company Neus Mobile Limited (Share.to and multilingual simultaneous translation and interpretation service SmaLingual)
June License agreement with the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) for the use of their multilingual translation engine.


April Formed strategic alliance with VirnetX Inc., a US company, to develop the Gabriel service.
June License agreement with the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) for the use of their multilingual translation engine.
July Strategic Alliance with Bolt Mobility Corporation, a US company, related to electric mobility business.
October Exhibited SmaLingual (multilingual simultaneous translation and interpretation service) at a National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) Global Communication Development Promotion Council area booth at CEATEC2019.
November Selected as one of the “100 Best Telework Pioneers” by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications in FY2019.


February Signed an exclusive contract with Bolt Mobility Corporation for the development and manufacture of electric mobility, exclusive operation in Japan and Asia, and consulting.
September Head office relocated from Nishi-Gotanda to Nishi-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo.


January Concluded exclusive development agreements with Bolt Mobility Corporation, Hitachi-Omron Terminal Solutions, Hitachi Terminal Mechatronics, and Hitachi Cable, Ltd.